Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Homerun movie

1) Friendship can be demonstrated in this movie was friends can argue with each other but they should always forgive each other in the end. One more thing this movie demonstrated about friendship was friends should always work together no matter what happens.

2) I like the boy named Kun in this movie because he is very determined and hardworking. I disliked the rich boy because he is so greedy, he is so lazy, he takes things for granted and he looks down on other people.

3) I have taken my studies for granted because I did not focus in my studies. I took my studies easily. I will try my best and work hard in the following years.

Movie title: "Homerun"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Subject Based Bending

I feel very happy because I got all average for all the subjects. I do not have any foundations. My parent and I talked about it, they said that it is fine with them. I feel very excited for my class next year. I wonder which class will I be.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alvin and the Chipmunks singing LOW

The Chipmunks!

We like this video because the chipmunks are so cute and funny! We learned that animals can sing. We also learned that anybody can sing by just believing in yourself.

Happy Times with Our Class!

My Happy Times With my class is playing with my friends , having Pizza as our a treat and having

fun with the whole class that is my happy time :)

My happy times with my class was eating pizza, Children's Day celebration, having fun and just enjoying ourselves.